Research Articles

Linking conservation to business and local communities: An approach to sustainable management of in situ biodiversity in Nepal

Author: Bhishma P. Subedi and Surya Bandhu Binayee
Publisher: Proceedings of the Third SEANN Workshop on Community-Based Non-timber Forest Products Management, April 7-8, 2000, Kathmandu, Nepal
Language: English
Date of Publication: April 2000
Number of Pages: 8
Price: Free

An emerging alternative approach to biodiversity conservation focuses exclusively on creating market-based incentives for participatory local conservation activities that complement the strict conservationist approach of traditional environmental organizations. The approach works from a community enterprise perspective on biodiversity conservation and sustainable resource use, instead of protected area management. Since 1994, ANSAB has been developing and testing this approach in biodiversity significant areas of Nepal in a participatory action research mode. This article highlights the approach and its strategies, outcomes, and lessons learned with a specific example of Humla, Nepal.

The strategies to address the challenges in linking conservation to local enterprises and communities are presented. The impacts of the strategies on biodiversity conservation in terms of improved management, threat reduction, and adoption of conservation practices are evaluated. The impacts of the enterprise and conservation activities on local communities are also documented.